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Business Ethics

Objectway aims to provide its customers with the highest level of professional expertise, including in terms of transparency, integrity and ethical behaviour.

With this in mind, the purpose of our Code of Ethics is to define and share the set of values that Objectway is inspired by and the standards of behaviour that our employees and external collaborators are required to observe on a daily basis when carrying out their work.

The values underpinning our organisation, which form the very foundation of the Group’s cultural identity, are:

Legality and integrity: everyone is called upon to act in loyalty and good faith in compliance with Italian, foreign and supranational regulations, referring to the principles of respect, cooperation, collaboration and dialogue with all our stakeholders.

Transparency: to build and maintain stakeholder trust, we ensure that all activities, actions, transactions and operations of our companies are traceable and documentable, providing clear, complete and accurate information to stakeholders.

Respect for the person: we support a culture of inclusion, which cherishes the inestimable value of diversity. It is this diversity that distinguishes and enhances our organisation. We believe that an inclusive and serene working environment is instrumental in achieving excellence.

Innovation and digitisation: we strive every day to implement and offer European and international financial players quality, state-of-the-art solutions and services that support them in their long-term sustainable innovation journey.

Environmental protection: we adopt and promote initiatives in favour of environmental sustainability, aimed at containing energy consumption and reducing waste, aware of the importance of the contribution each of us can make in protecting the planet and its resources.

You can download and view the Objectway Group Code of Ethics here:


In Italy, the Code of Ethics is also considered an integral part of the Organisational, Management and Control Model adopted by Objectway S.p.A., pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, to ensure the proper functioning, reliability and reputation of the company.

The objective of Model 231 is to establish a structured and organic system of procedures and control activities to prevent the commission of offences.

You can download and view Objectway S.p.A.’s Model 231 here:


Aware of the fact that business ethics requires governance based on trust, transparency and integrity, Objectway encourages the cooperation of its workers and third parties in uncovering illegal, fraudulent or suspicious phenomena and any other irregularity or conduct that does not comply with the law and the Group’s internal regulatory system.
To this end, Objectway has drawn up specific procedures, which form an integral part of the body of internal regulations, to enable its staff and all third parties working directly or indirectly on behalf of Objectway Group companies to report violations of regulatory provisions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the organisation.
In particular, Objectway, in compliance with the European legislation concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (EU Directive 2019/1837) and the national legislation of each country in which the Objectway Group companies operate, has adopted an IT platform to automate and facilitate the receipt and management of reports, suitable for guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter and the content of the report.
Objectway’s whistleblowing platform can be found at the following link:


For instructions on how to submit a report, see the following guidelines :

Linee-guida-piattaforma-WB [Italiano]

Guidelines-WB-platform [English]

Richtlijnen-WB-platform [Nederlandse]

For complete information on Objectway’s reporting process, you can download and view the procedures of each Objectway Group company published here:

Objectway S.p.A. (Italy)

Procedure for the Management of Whistleblowing Reports [English]

Gestione delle segnalazioni di potenziali illeciti (whistleblowing) [Italiano]

Objectway Ltd (UK)

Procedure for the Management of Whistleblowing Reports [English]

Objectway NV (Belgium)

Procedure for the Management of Whistleblowing Reports [English]

Procedure voor het beheer van klokkenluidersmeldingen [Nederlandse]