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Asset Managers

Enhance Asset Managers and SGR investment strategy with a digital front-to-back platform which empowers human expertise, maximising clients wealth and increasing operational efficiency.

    Objectway background image circle point How We Serve

    Outsource External Activities

    Optimise administrative and back-office operations, focusing on your core business

    Fund Administration

    Rely on an experienced and reliable partner for the full outsourcing of the mutual and alternative funds management activities

    Fund Administration - Bpaas

    Middle & Back-Office Activities

    Leverage our complete outsourcing services for discretionary portfolio management, including the post-trading & settlement process

    Fund Administration - Bpaas

    Regulatory, Accounting, Taxation

    Benefit from full outsourcing activities for accounting management, reporting and regulatory constraints check

    Fund Administration - Bpaas

    Manage Mutual Funds

    Mutual fund accounting activities, NAV, regulatory constraints and compliance check

    Fund Administration

    Benefit from a well-established application used by a large customer base for all fund administration activities

    Mutual Fund Administration

    Transfer Agent

    Manage investment fund participation with maximum flexibility and in compliance to regulations

    Transfer Agent

    UCITS V Governance

    Carry out the entire audit of fund’s assets in compliance to UCITS V requirements and guidelines

    Mutual Fund Administration

    Manage Alternative Investments

    Address the complex management of Alternative Investment Managements with flexibility and completeness

    Private Equity Funds

    Complete management of Private Equity Alternative Funds and integration with transfer agent automatically registering transactions in accounting

    Alternative Fund Administration

    Real-Estate Funds

    Management of Real Estate Alternative Funds and integration with the majority of the Real Estate software used by Property Managers and Custodian Banks

    Alternative Fund Administration

    Credit Funds

    Alternative Funds management dedicated to loans to businesses, with complete management of Non-Performing Loans

    Alternative Fund Administration

    Engage Clients & Distributors

    Provide a wide selection of funds, managed portfolios and investment services through an integrated digital platform

    Investor & Distributor Portal

    Allows investors to view their investment status, transaction history, data updates, and download SGR documents; enables SGRs to share reports, recalls, refunds, and promote initiatives directly

    Portal & Apps

    Maximize Portfolio Performances

    Implements investment strategies by combining efficiency and flexibility, complying with regulatory constraints

    Institutional Portfolio Management

    Benefit from a comprehensive portfolio management process, including order management and settlement

    Portfolio Management

    Discretionary Portfolio Management

    Benefit from a holistic closed-loop portfolio management process and a perfect investment strategy execution

    Portfolio Management

    Optimize Operations

    Automate administrative and back-office processes maximizing productivity


    Manage accounting activities leveraging high level of automation, customization and flexibility

    Mutual Fund Administration


    Rely on sophisticated applications in line with regulatory standards and financial statements drafting principles

    Mutual Fund Administration


    Benefit from the automation of reconciliation steps starting from automatic receipt of data flows

    Mutual Fund Administration

    Asset Managers who have chosen us

    Objectway Customer Enablement Services work closely with client’s team to implement, operate and evolve in the long term the on-cloud or on-premise solution they choose to adopt.