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Depositary Banks

Support the full range of activities of data ingestion and production sending , NAV recalculation and audit, reporting to fund participants, with dashboards for process monitoring and exception management.

    Objectway background image circle point How We Serve

    Check Fund Assets

    Audit of assets and operations of fund managers or of their outsourcer

    Nav Control

    Pre-NAV configurable preventive checks, comparison of fund assets with NAV data received from asset manager

    Depositary Bank Controls

    Nav Recalculation

    NAV recalculation processing, audit of fund assets, audit of circulating shares

    Depositary Bank Controls

    Manage Fund Participants

    Run operations and controls related to fund participants


    Fund performance calculation, personalised customer reporting, fee calculation

    Depositary Bank Controls


    Covers the entire compliance and regulatory reporting activity, typical of the Depositary Bank in relation to the participants of the Fund

    Depositary Bank Controls

    Automate Processes

    Control process progress and handle exceptions


    Receiving, preparing, and sending data flows to external applications and counterparties, with automated feeds for accounting and transfer agents

    Depositary Bank Controls


    Dashboards tracking completion of tasks and the raising of exceptions, knowledge of process progress and of critical ongoing issues

    Depositary Bank Controls

    Depositary Banks who have chosen us

    Objectway Customer Enablement Services work closely with client’s team to implement, operate and evolve in the long term the on-cloud or on-premise solution they choose to adopt.