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Digitising CLM to Improve Front-office Efficiency

Leveraging a fully integrated Client Lifecycle Management solution, to increase front-office productivity, improving wealth retention strategy and focus on high value tasks to enable a significant growth.

The Challenge

The client had a strong desire to address two specific challenges in its existing advisory & execution-only business. First, they needed to digitise many of their existing manual processes, adding automation and removing paper, whilst continuing to deliver a first-class service to their clients.

Also, they wanted to consolidate their client relationships as assets moved down the generations, creating a wealth retention strategy for the next generation.

The goal was to leverage a fully integrated client lifecycle management solution to:

  • Increase front-office productivity
  • Improve wealth retention strategy
  • Focus on high value tasks
  • Enable a significant growth

The Objectway Solution

To address these challenges and deliver a strong platform for growth, Objectway focused on enabling them to offer a discretionary mandate to clients by deploying our Portfolio Management system. This was the key to improve the digital solution offered to all end-clients and to enable the delivery of all client facing output, switching from paper to digital. Efficiencies was also gained in the onboarding of new clients, the creation of new services to existing clients and compliance oversight.

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    Objectway Case Study Front Page describing challenges afforded by our client to digitise many of their manual processes
    Objectway Case Study Cover Digitising CLM to improve front-office efficiency