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Setting up a new bank: integrating technologies and competencies

Download now the case study to know more about how the Objectway Banking Solution was implemented for the migration strategy of a leading German private bank.

The Challenge

Our client, a leading private bank in the German market, aimed at integrating a fragmented technical IT framework onto a common platform for a unique banking solution.

In particular, the technical migration between the two institutions, Hauck Aufhäuser and Bankhaus Lampe, had to be carried out with a relevant number of internal and external stakeholders and the transfer of sensitive data to a common IT platform had to be performed in a safe and secure manner, in order to avoid any potential loss or damage.

The business models of Bankhaus Lampe and Hauck & Aufhäuser seemed similar from a high-level perspective, however, the services differed on a detailed level. Also, different products were offered, which made it necessary to enable the current banking system with new products specific to Bankhaus Lampe’s offering.

Key strategic priorities included:

  • Performing the migration rapidly while maintaining the businesses operative
  • Ensuring operational readiness with minimal client impact
  • Hands-on solution for critical issues
  • Clear and constant communication between the parties
  • Accurate testing

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    Objectway Case Study Front Page. Leading private bank in the German market, aimed at integrating a fragmented technical IT framework onto a common platform.
    Objectway Case Study Cover Setting up a new bank: integrating technologies and competencies.