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MARCH 16, 2021

Reimagining CX in the Post Covid Era to Build a New Tomorrow

Marianna Vilardi

Marketing Content Creator

Reading time: 2 min


The happenings of the past year had severe and remarkable consequences on how firms manage their digital tools, and inevitably led to overly rethink the real meaning of customer experience and its relevance as to remain competitive and reliable in clients’ mind.

One of the primary ingredients customers will consider when evaluating their experience in relation to a brand will be the very extent to which businesses they rely on offer solutions that meet their renewed needs.

Covid-19 inevitably accelerated customers’ need for operations to become more and more digital in multiple fields, so boosting your digital presence will no longer be an option to simply roughly consider; investing in an efficient digital experience strategy will represent a considerable advantage even after the pandemic.

In today’s uncertain economic and social environment, customers are looking for companies they can trust, so investing on lasting interactions is key to generate loyalty.

Up until recently customer experience and interactions were, not so rarely, fragmented. Today, it can’t be accepted anymore; interactions are expected to become integrated.

The seamless character of interaction finds fertile ground in the awareness that in order to reach customers it is necessary to walk them through the entire customer journey, adding up to multiple touchpoints; a seamless expertly integrated interaction experience can make a significant difference on customer satisfaction.

Although omnichannel communication seems to fulfil clients’ needs, it appears not to be enough to guarantee a flexible and agile communication. In fact, the increasing growth of customers’ awareness calls for a redefinition of your communication and CX strategy, one that shifts towards an opti-channel approach. The idea behind such a mindset is that channels are not all equally efficient, some essentially excel or fail in areas others do not. The purpose supporting it is to give clients what they need on the channel that results to be the most suitable for it; in other words, to give them what they need at the right time and most importantly in the rightest place.

Considering the previous considerations, brands need not to underestimate the relevance of placing the client himself at the very centre of an experience building process; designing personalised customer experience is key to win customer’s trust. It is important to present your brand not only as a brand who meets customer expectations but one that shapes them.

The value of digital in forging customer experiences will continue to grow even after the pandemic, so it is fundamental to comprehend that changes happening today are not just temporary. Companies acknowledging what has been said will participate in building a new tomorrow.