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Objectway partecipa alla XX Edizione del Forum Private Banking organizzato da AIPB

21 Novembre 2024 – Objectway torna come sponsor al XX Forum del Private Banking per discutere insieme a numerosi esperti i più importanti temi del momento.

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AIPB Forum 2024 – I capitali privati per la crescita: il ruolo del Private Banking

Gianbattista Geroldi, CEO Italia Objectway, illustra quali sono i fattori che stanno determinando la crescita del mercato del private banking in Italia, evidenziando le evoluzioni dei modelli di servizio per effetto dell’AI.


21 Novembre 2024

09:00 – 14:00

XX Forum Private Banking

Objectway parteciperà come sponsor alla nuova edizione del Forum del Private Banking con lo scopo di approfondire e cogliere le best practices che stanno portando l’industria del private banking ad una progressiva evoluzione.

Un settore maturo come quello del private banking viene quindi chiamato a fare i conti con le correnti portate avanti dalle nuove generazioni della clientela digitale, la quale considera sempre più gli strumenti e le tecnologie digitali come la base per la propria relazione con il consulente. Quest’ultimo riveste quindi un ruolo ibrido, basato sulla relazione umana e sull’impiego delle tecnologie più disruptive, come l’intelligenza artificiale generativa.

Objectway, in qualità di partner strategico nella trasformazione digitale di banche private, asset e wealth managers, pone particolare attenzione a questi aspetti, nell’ottica di incentivare e migliorare l’onboarding e l’engagement dei clienti finali.

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Event Information

Giovedì 21 Novembre 2024

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Conference Delegates

Portrait Gianbattista Geroldi

Gianbattista Geroldi

Gianbattista leads Objectway’s Italian business and is part of the board of directors of the group, as CEO Italy. With more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, Gianbattista held senior management position in investment service software company before joining Objectway. He has successfully driven the operation and sales of several business across the wealth and asset management industry, consolidating the leadership of Objectway’s solutions in the Italian market.

Portrait Nicola Pepe

Nicola Pepè

Nicola has been working for Objectway for more than 10 years and in 2019 he has become Senior Business Development Manager for ITO Sales Management League. Customer support, competition analysis and management of the different phases of release and development of the main operating platforms, are just some of the areas where Nicola operates.

Portrait Max Renzulli

Max Renzulli

Max developed his career in wealth management working at HSBC Private Bank, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Private Bank, in asset management at BNP Paribas Securities Services and in Fund Services at Citibank. Previously, he also held the role of General Manager of AMS (Asset Management Services) for 2 years. Since 2021, Max has become a Partner at Parva, a consulting firm with a European footprint, as leader of the Asset & Wealth Management Business Practice. His client-oriented vision, ability to manage complex projects and expertise in product management are key elements of success. From March 2024, Max has been appointed Objectway’s Managing Director of Advisory Tribe and Market Solution Director for Wealth and Asset Management.