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Expand your capabilities and empower your business

5th | 6th June 2019 – Join us at our events to uncover what some of the leading wealth & investment firms are doing to drive revenue growth. Get a roadmap to a WealthTech strategy that drives value for your business and your customers.

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5th June 2019, Johannesburg

6th June 2019, Cape Town

08:00am – 10:00am

Expand your capabilities and empower your business

Objectway and MCI

Just about every piece of research on WealthTech is saying the same thing: technology-driven solutions will revolutionise our industry and bring massive efficiencies throughout the value chain. Join us to explore how to cost effectively deliver on this promise, whilst retaining your investment in your current systems.

You’ll come away with a clear understanding of how you too can benefit from best-of-breed technology which seamlessly integrates with your existing systems for aggressive revenue growth.

08:00am – 08:45am

Registration, Breakfast & Networking

08:45am – 09:05am

WealthTech: Strategies driving value for your business and customers

Greg Bernard, MCI

09:05am – 09:25am

Roadmap: augment your current technology investments to expand your capabilities and empower your business

Jan Rabbets, MCI

09:25am – 09:45am

Empowering traditional business with an integrated digital wealth platform

David Wilson, Objectway Senior Business Development Manager

09:45am – 10:00am

Q&A Session

Event Information

5th June 2019, Johannesburg

6th June 2019, Cape Town

Meet us at our booth or book a meeting here.


Portrait David Wilson

David Wilson

David has been working in the software services industry for over 30 years, his experience spans development, services and sales across Europe, North America and Asia. He has spent the last 15 years in in providing solutions to the Wealth management Industry globally. Today he is Objectway Senior Business Development Manager for UK and Ireland.