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Objectway partners with Unblu for the Impact Day 2023

12th September 2023 – The partnership between Objectway and Unblu is going to grow. Curious to find out more? Don’t miss the Unblu Impact Day 2023 – Witness the power of conversational engagement in Zurich.

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12th September 2023

09:00 – 19:00

Unblu Impact Day 2023 – Witness the power of conversational engagement

Laura Faverzani, Objectway Head of Operations of the Omnichannel Client Lifecycle Management Solutions

Hanife Guertner, Objectway Business Development Specialist

Now in its new edition, the Unblu Impact Day 2023 will be the opportunity for financial industry experts to get in touch with real and useful case studies and to discover insights from evolving trends, such as market challenges and compliance regulations.

This in-person event will offer you the chance to:

  • deepen useful case studies and customer success stories;
  • listen to eminent keynote speakers that will define the cutting-edge of the financial services industry;
  • join the attendees for networking activities and one-to-one meetings.

Don’t miss out on the chance to mix with like-minded professionals and find out how the Objectway Platform can boost your efficiency in your day-to-day tasks, better serve your clients and increase revenues with a smart client management solution.

Event Information

12th September 2023, Google EURF, Europaallee 36, 8004 Zürich

Register now to secure your place at the event!

Conference Delegates

Portrait Laura Faverzani

Laura Faverzani

Laura is the Head of Operation of the Omnichannel Client Lifecycle Management Solution in Objectway. With over 20 years of experience in the FinTech industry, with a focus on digital transformation, she has led operations and implementation projects, advising clients on how to best leverage digital solutions to improve customer experience and operational efficiency.